"Sort of Analog Panel Meter"

I have made considerable progress on the DÆ v0.1 “Sort of Analog Panel Meter”. While the meter provides the highly visible analog dial of a traditional panel meter, the DÆ v0.1 Panel Meter actually incorporates a ATMega328PB microcontroller and Trinamic TMC2300 stepper motor driver - Hence “Sort of Analog”. These components provide extreme flexibility in customizing the meter scale along with ultra quiet operation.

DÆ v0.1 “Sort of Analog Panel Meter” Front View.

DÆ v0.1 “Sort of Analog Panel Meter” Front View.

The objectives for building this meter are described in the April 9th Blog post. Here is a summary of some of the features:

  • The DÆ v0.1 “Sort of Analog Panel Meter” has a non-linear meter scale that allows the battery state of charge to be more clearly observed. The normal operating range for the battery is between 36 and 42 volts DC and this occupies fully one third of the total meter deflection. This can be compared traditional panel meter where the range from 36 to 42 volts DC would be crammed at the far right hand side of the scale;

  • The DÆ v0.1 “Sort of Analog Panel Meter” uses a stepper motor providing a 315 degree meter sweep which is almost three times greater than the 110 degrees of a traditional panel meter;

  • This meter has four blue led back lights to illuminated the dial. The blue led lighting will match the theme of the front panels of the the other DÆ components.

Here are a couple more pictures of the DÆ v0.1 “Sort of Analog Panel Meter”.

DÆ v0.1 “Sort of Analog Panel Meter” Rear View.

DÆ v0.1 “Sort of Analog Panel Meter” Rear View.

DÆ v0.1 “Sort of Analog Panel Meter” Side View.

DÆ v0.1 “Sort of Analog Panel Meter” Side View.